Sunday, April 26, 2009

Had Enough!

I'm about to get fired up here. I'm sure you've all heard the controversy over the comments of Carrie Prejean, Miss California, because of her stance against gay marriage. It's the usual firestorm. As usual, those who affirm this sin are saying,"All you people want to do is hate. This God you claim to serve is supposed to be love, but all you do is teach hate." I am telling you, if I hear this one more time, I am going to throw up. Let me state for the record, hating what you do DOES NOT, let me repeat, DOES NOT, mean that I hate you. If I hated you, would it make any difference to me that you are going against God? No. They are trying to ruin this woman's life, reputation, and career, because she dared to speak the truth. She is being ripped apart. She is being ridiculed, called every name imaginable, (idiot and dumb are the NICEST names she is being called- the rest are truly horrible!) and what is her response? "I can only say that I will be praying for them." Excuse me, did I miss something? Who exactly is doing the hating here? Why is it that in this country every viewpoint EXCEPT the evangelical one must be accomodated and tolerated? Anything else, the attitude is, "Well, this is America, have to be tolerant, you know-live and let live. None of my business." UNLESS, of course, you happen to be one of those judgemental, narrow-minded, intolerant, hate-mongering (pppptttoioooe!) CHRISTIANS! Can't have that! Gotta shut those kooks up! If you are part of the Church of God, it is time we stand up and say that we are not going to kowtow anymore! If you don't agree we will love you and pray for you, try to answer any questions in a loving way, and do whatever we can for you, but WE WILL NOT BE SILENCED ANYMORE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Shout it from the rooftops, brothers and sisters! STAND UP AND BE COUNTED!! Right is right and wrong is wrong, and I am tired of compromising, of going along to get along. We are the truth, the light. If they don't hear it from us because we are too afraid of "offending", how will they EVER hear it? Jesus left us a big job to do and we can't be too scared to do it , and we don't have to do it alone. WHO IS WITH ME? If you are not ashamed, let me hear it!


  1. What I don't understand was why a question that has nothing to do with a beauty contest would be asked of a person and when she answers it HONESTLY, she gets trampled by the media (and the person who asked it.) Isn't honesty valued even by non-believers?

  2. I agree, absolutely. You have to consider the source, though. The person who asked the question is a homosexual himself, so of course he is going to push this agenda. As for the media, we know they have a notoriously liberal bias, and they don't even bother to try to hide it. And you are right, even non-believers should value honesty, but they just want their ears tickled. Well, my fingers are tired and I am through tickling.

  3. I get tired it too--hearing people who hold what are seen as conservatively oriented values being classified in a way that is unfair to them. I'm sorry it's that way. I really am. I know you don't deserve it.

  4. Sarah, Sarah, what has become of you? I've missed seeing you on my blog (which is understandable--that you haven't come around much lately, I mean), but now I can't even find you on your blog.
