Sunday, February 22, 2009

One Million Dollars

Ever thought about what you would do if you had one million dollars? Can you even conceive of that much money? Would it change you? Would you go wild and buy everythng you ever dreamed of, or would you be a spendthrift? Would you invest, or put it in the bank? Nowadays, maybe you'd put it under the mattress. Who knows? What we do know is that this money can buy only material things, not happiness, and certainly not salvation. But just think about it. What would you do? Most of our ideas about money and the "Security" it brings come from our family of origin, how our parents dealt with and taught us about money, which comes from how their parents dealt with it, and so on, and so on. These attitudes can be changed by circumstances and experiences that come our way in life. Harsh financial times can cause insecurity in other areas of life and cause us to feel that money is the ONLY security we can have and that our worth is based on how much or how little money we have. Seasons of plenty can cause us to have a false sense of entitlement and to place too much importance on things and name brands and the latest techo gadgets and toys, and send us spiraling into an abyss of debt that we can never hope to climb out of. Enough is never enough. We are always striving, clawing for more, more more! Personally, if I had that amount of money, I would donate a large portion (at least a tenth, probably more) to my church. Then I would buy houses for Bobby and I, and for all our parents. Then I would travel some with Bobby, go to places I've always dreamed of seeing. The rest would sit in the bank waiting to hear of family, friends, and community members in genuine need. What about you? Let me hear from you. What would you do?

Saturday, February 21, 2009

Technoligically Challenged?

As some of you know, we just got a new laptop and got on-line at our house last Monday. The one thing I didn"t like about our new laptop was the touchpad. I have always used a mouse, and I just couldn't get used to the touchpad. I guess I am technologially challenged. There must be some kind of support group or educational retraining out there for people like me. After all, I've admitted that I have a problem. That's the first step. In the meantime, we were off to Wal-Mart in search of a mouse. I found one certified for Vista, which our laptop runs, and it has no mouseball on the bottom, so dirt doesn't get in, and you need no mouse pad. It has a sensor which eliminates the need for a mouse ball, and you just use the scroll wheel to go up and down in a document without clicking on the scroll bar on screen. There was no complicated software or drivers to install. I just plugged it in and it took off! And all this for $14.66!!!!!! I'm a happy camper!

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Our New President

Ok, yes, I am going there, daring to make known my political opinion. Agree or not, it's fine-that's why we live in a free country. So here we go. Is anyone really surprised at his actions? After campaigning (and winning) on a promise of, among other things, withdrawal of troops from Iraq and Afghanistan, he is already committing MORE troops to Afghanistan. No matter how you personally feel about President Obama or the war, the fact remains that already, one month into the term, he is already breaking promises made to the American people. All this does not even address the $789 BILLION Economic Stimulus Package which the President just signed into law, which top economists agree will not provide any long term relief and could even have a negative impact. So what do you think, folks? Yay or nay? Let me hear from you, whether you agree with what I've said or not. Let's get some debate going!

Monday, February 16, 2009

Interview With My Hubby!

Hey everyone! I thought I would start out my blog by interviewing the most important earthly thing to me- my husband of nearly 9 years, Bobby!

Karla:Welcome Hon!

Bobby: Great to be here!

Karla: I thought it would be fun to have you as a guest on my blog and ask you a few questions.

Bobby: Ask away!

Karla: Ok, sorry Hun, I have to go here: If you met me tomorrow for the first time, would you do it all over again?

Bobby: Yes, but I'd maybe be a little nicer! (laughs)

Karla: Be nicer? I think you're wonderful!!!! Let me ask you this: After nearly 9 years of marriage, are there any surprises left?

Bobby: Of course! As we grow, we'll always find out more about each other.

Karla: I certainly can't ever imagine being bored with you. Is there anything that you've really always wanted to ask me but just never did?

Bobby: I've asked you just about everything!

Karla: Where do you see us in 10 years?

Bobby: I see us financially stable.

Karla: Amen to that! God always provides. Tell me, what would be your idea of a perfect evening together?

Bobby:Well, we'd head to Knoxville for a romantic dinner, then take a limo to check into a Chalet in Gatlinburg. The next morning, we'd have breakfast on the patio of the chalet.

Karla: Be still, my heart! I knew there was a reason I loved you! Ok, one last question. What is your favorite memory of our wedding day?

Bobby: When I saw you come walking down the aisle!

Karla: AWWWW!! How sweet! Well, I certainly appreciate you being a guest on my blog and letting me interview you, Hon. And by the way, I'd do it all over again too!

Bobby: Enjoyed being here sweetie. Love you.

Karla: Love you too!

Ladies, am I the most blessed woman on Earth, or what?


Hey folks! Welcome to the first blog entry of what I hope will be many. After a frustrating start and 2 postponements from the phone company, I finally have internet access in my own home, and I plan to take full advantage of it. This past week has been interesting. Last Wednesday morning, we were driving to work as usual, when hubby started having chest pains. We went to the hospital where he was taken about a year and a half ago when he had his heart attack and where he received a stent in his left anterior descending artery which was 100% blocked. After checking him out, they determined he was not having another heart attack, but they wanted to keep him overnight for observation. Thank God he has had no more pain, and is just feeling tired and worn out. He has rested for several days and we are going to attempt to go back to work tomorrow. Please pray that all goes well with that, that it won't be too much for him, and that he will continue to be very very strict about his diet.