Monday, March 9, 2009

Kill The Guy At Wal-Mart!

Bobby and I bought a treadmill at Wal-Mart, as I mentioned. As you know, treadmills are expensive, but we considered it an investment in our health and our future together. We paid $377.00 for this thing. When we picked it up, (which we had to arrange with a friend with a truck to do) I asked the manager specifically if it was put together, just folded down in storage position. He assured me that yes, for the most part, it was, nothing major to do, just a few simple things that would take about 10 minutes . Well, I get it home, unpack it, and there are ten bazillion parts to this thing!!!!!!!!!!!!! There is an entire BLISTER PACK, not a little bag, an entire laptop sized blister pack, of little nuts and bolts and screws and washers. You have to attach the electronic control panel, and put the arms on, and put the sides on, and attach the safety belt, and who knows what else. There is a number in the instruction manual to call to have a tech from the company come and put it together. I thought I was saved! I called today to check on it, and they want (Drumroll please) $194.00 to come and asemble it! The guy at Wal-Mart just lied to sell a treadmill. So now I have 3 choices: 1. Inconvenience my friend with a truck again to take it back to Wal-Mart here and have them put it together, if they'll even do it, and then again to haul it back when they are through 2. Cough up approximately half the price of the treadmill to have a tech come, plus promise him my first born child to get him to come on Sat since I work all the other days 3. Have a $377 piece of useless junk sitting in the corner of my living room! I am furious!!!!!!!

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