Sunday, February 22, 2009

One Million Dollars

Ever thought about what you would do if you had one million dollars? Can you even conceive of that much money? Would it change you? Would you go wild and buy everythng you ever dreamed of, or would you be a spendthrift? Would you invest, or put it in the bank? Nowadays, maybe you'd put it under the mattress. Who knows? What we do know is that this money can buy only material things, not happiness, and certainly not salvation. But just think about it. What would you do? Most of our ideas about money and the "Security" it brings come from our family of origin, how our parents dealt with and taught us about money, which comes from how their parents dealt with it, and so on, and so on. These attitudes can be changed by circumstances and experiences that come our way in life. Harsh financial times can cause insecurity in other areas of life and cause us to feel that money is the ONLY security we can have and that our worth is based on how much or how little money we have. Seasons of plenty can cause us to have a false sense of entitlement and to place too much importance on things and name brands and the latest techo gadgets and toys, and send us spiraling into an abyss of debt that we can never hope to climb out of. Enough is never enough. We are always striving, clawing for more, more more! Personally, if I had that amount of money, I would donate a large portion (at least a tenth, probably more) to my church. Then I would buy houses for Bobby and I, and for all our parents. Then I would travel some with Bobby, go to places I've always dreamed of seeing. The rest would sit in the bank waiting to hear of family, friends, and community members in genuine need. What about you? Let me hear from you. What would you do?


  1. 1: Tithe. My church wouldn't know what hit 'em.
    2: New house for my parents + vacation home they've been lusting for on Lake Michigan.

    After that, well there won't be too much after that. A million dollars isn't what it used to be...

  2. there's an award for you on my blog...come check it out!

  3. hi Sarah, thanks for dropping by!

    I would have to say go on vacation and then think about it!

    definitely help out a few friends, but as far as family well there are a select few? ha!
