Monday, February 16, 2009

Interview With My Hubby!

Hey everyone! I thought I would start out my blog by interviewing the most important earthly thing to me- my husband of nearly 9 years, Bobby!

Karla:Welcome Hon!

Bobby: Great to be here!

Karla: I thought it would be fun to have you as a guest on my blog and ask you a few questions.

Bobby: Ask away!

Karla: Ok, sorry Hun, I have to go here: If you met me tomorrow for the first time, would you do it all over again?

Bobby: Yes, but I'd maybe be a little nicer! (laughs)

Karla: Be nicer? I think you're wonderful!!!! Let me ask you this: After nearly 9 years of marriage, are there any surprises left?

Bobby: Of course! As we grow, we'll always find out more about each other.

Karla: I certainly can't ever imagine being bored with you. Is there anything that you've really always wanted to ask me but just never did?

Bobby: I've asked you just about everything!

Karla: Where do you see us in 10 years?

Bobby: I see us financially stable.

Karla: Amen to that! God always provides. Tell me, what would be your idea of a perfect evening together?

Bobby:Well, we'd head to Knoxville for a romantic dinner, then take a limo to check into a Chalet in Gatlinburg. The next morning, we'd have breakfast on the patio of the chalet.

Karla: Be still, my heart! I knew there was a reason I loved you! Ok, one last question. What is your favorite memory of our wedding day?

Bobby: When I saw you come walking down the aisle!

Karla: AWWWW!! How sweet! Well, I certainly appreciate you being a guest on my blog and letting me interview you, Hon. And by the way, I'd do it all over again too!

Bobby: Enjoyed being here sweetie. Love you.

Karla: Love you too!

Ladies, am I the most blessed woman on Earth, or what?

1 comment:

  1. He sounds like a keeper, definitely! I love a good love story....

    Thanks for visiting my blog! Peace - D
